(Rented) 太子 萬盛閣 电梯护卫洋楼 中层 实用442呎 2房1厅1卫1厨 有家电 即租即住 月租16000 5分钟到太子地铁站

(Rented) Prince Edward, Prosperity Court, with Guard and Elevator, Middle Floor, Saleable Area: 442 sq ft, 2 Bedrooms, with appliances AC, water heater, fridge and washer, Rent: 16000, Fully Furnished, 5 mins walk away from Prince Edward MTR station 优酷视频:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjgyODg1NTQ0OA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1 [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R8ICkQtSVk[/embedyt]

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