(TF) 旺角东 九龍 – 泰丰大厦 (服务式住宅) Tai Fung House, Mongkok East (Serviced Accommodation)




入住时,在厕所:沐浴露,洗发水,牙膏,牙刷,毛巾 (真正拿包入住)
入住时,在卧室:枕头,枕头套,床垫,床垫套,毯子 (全新香港IKEA购入, 真正拿包入住)
提供廁所廚房用品 (沐浴露, 洗发水, 洗手液, 卫生纸,  牙膏, 洗衣粉, 垃圾袋)

-提供廁所廚房用品 (沐浴露, 洗发水, 洗手液, 卫生纸,  牙膏, 洗衣粉, 垃圾袋)

Reviews from Residents: 

Room 2

The place was in a great location. Right in ladies market, and a very short walk to the mtr. the room was very clean.
- Siobhan

Room 2

- 美宝


All the service were fabulous,I really enjoy spending my leisure time in the TaiFung House! Special thanks to Morris,really thoughtful! Thanks a lot!!
- Micromole


因为位于旺角所以楼下很热闹人流量也多,周边什么都有,买东西(无论买菜买日常用品还是shopping那种)、坐地铁(两条线都可以)、坐大巴都非常方便,住久了回大陆可能会连小区超市都觉得远。 家具电器之类的基本上都有,可以省很多麻烦,房东也很好,有什么问题基本在群里一说都会帮忙解决。总的来说来香港一年在租房这方面还是挺顺利的,感谢!
- Resident

Another Long Review from Resident 2018-19 long Stay Resident:

Name: JS
Rating: 4 Stars


中介团队一群人,虽然一年只见最多两次面。但是他们总会及时沟通。他们讲话很幽默,但是更多时候是认真负责。“刮8号台风啦,记得关窗啊” “锁有问题?好的有人来修” “饮料要换成维他奶?好的会及时沟通” “来看房的人礼貌么?不礼貌?好那就拒掉这样的租客!”……???



No. 24 Tung Choi Street, Kowloon (click here to understand this area)

微信客服: pm2424m, Whatsapp: +852 61146080

Includes regular cleaning, Internet, water, electricity, building management fee, bedding, tooth brushes, towels preparations, refilling drinks in fridge and toiletries such as shower gel, shampoo, toilet papers, washing powders, toothpastes, hand washer, trash bags.

> Reserve your dates now! 


微信客服: pm2424m / hk95534905
Whatsapp: +852 61146080 / +852 95534905

> Reserve your dates now! 


The apartment is a Upper Floor Fully-Furnished 3-bedrooms apartment, with magnificent city view and convenient location, ready to move in with towels, shower gel, toothbrushes etc, clean and tidy, Equipped with High-speed internet and Wi-Fi. At the centre part of Hongkong, close to the metro station, can arrive most part of Hong kong in less than an hour.

Bedroom 1: Single Bed – 1 person
Bedroom 2: Bunk Bed – 2 persons max
Bedroom 3: Single Bed – 1 person
1 Bathroom (24 Hours hot water)
1 Kitchen (With Fridge, Microwave Oven, Clothes Dryer and Washer)
1 Living Room

Allow max 3-4 persons

Closest Metro station

Mongkok MTR Station Exit E2 (5 min walk away)

All Videos

Flat Details (2024):
Video: https://youtu.be/W_eZG46IjOU
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DpH2eFEms/

From Exit E2 Mongkok MTR Station to the Flat Code TF:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/ET2HsTUaA6g
微博视频: http://t.cn/AiK9nppv?m=4377016662930751&u=1726612942

Total 19 mins door to door walk and MTR from Tai Fung House (Mongkok) to PolyU Campus (Hung Hom) via Mongkok East MTR station
Video: https://rumble.com/vjb1tz-total-19-mins-door-to-door-walk-and-mtr-from-tai-fung-house-mongkok-to-poly.html
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ro4y1Q781/

Flat Details (2021):
Video: https://rumble.com/vl1lmo-flat-code-tf-details-httpsmorris-hk.commonthlyarchives.html
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SP4y1W7WP/

Metro to the popular destinations

1 station away: Polytechnic University (HungHom), City University of Hong Kong, Baptist University (Kowloon Tong)
3 stations away: Tsim Sha Tsui
4 stations away: Central

Fare and time details: http://www.mtr.com.hk/en/customer/main/index.html


Saleable Area: 399 square feet

From MTR to the Building:

Bedrooms / Sleeping Arrangement

Bedroom 1: Single Bed 90cm x 182cm for 1 person, Bedroom Size: 4 meter square
Bedroom 2: Bunk Bed 90cm x 182cm for 2 persons, Bedroom Size 6.38 meter square
Bedroom 3: Single Bed 90cm x 182cm for 1 person, Bedroom Size: 4.4 Meter Square

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 1: Single Bed 90cm x 182cm, Bedroom Size: 4 meter square
Windows with open view, desk, chair, clothes rack, AC
Window facing: North

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 2: Bunk Bed 90cm x 182cm for 2 persons max, Bedroom Size 6.38 meter square
windows with open view, desk, chair, clothes rack, book shelf, AC
Windows facing: East and North

Bedroom 3

Bedroom 3: Single Bed 90cm x 182cm, Bedroom Size: 4.4 Meter Square
windows, desk, chair, closet, AC
Window facing: South

Living Room

Sofa, TV, Dinning Table, Chairs, Internet



Open Kitchen with electric strove, clothes washer, clothes dryer, microwave oven and fridge

Washer: ZANUSSI ZFV837
How to use the washer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXJ4DvbEL0g


With 24 hours hot water


CS Contact of this Flat: Cassie, 微信客服: pm2424m / Whatsapp: +852 61146080

Other Videos:

How to replace door lock batteries: https://youtu.be/8OzrrtOamZg


Information viewed 354 times