Students Opening an accounts in BOC(HK) Ref / Banks in Campus

The following are BOC procedures, or suggest to open a bank account at the banks in your university campus, procedures will be easier.

For CityU Students

Can apply CityU credit cards, which doesn’t not require an address proof at the beginning, then Hang Send bank will mail the credit card statement to the address, the statement could be used as an address proof.

開立個人/聯名賬戶所需文件 感謝閣下選用中國銀行(香港)有限公司的服務。請注意,本行需要下列附有閣


 香港永久性居民身份證,或
 香港居民身份證及有效的國際護照/旅遊證件,或
 有效的國際護照/旅遊證件,或
 有效的往來港澳通行證,連同中華人民共和國居民身份證,或 澳門特別行政區永久性居民身份證。

若閣下就開戶申請有任何查詢,請親臨本行任何一間分行或致電客戶服務熱線(852)3988 2388。


備註:除上述身份證明文件外,如有需要,本行可能會要求申請人提供其他開戶資料及 文件。


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