Toilet / Kitchen Sink Usage Notice 厕所廚房洗手池使用注意事项

We can throw dissolvable toilet papers in to the toilet bowl, non-dissolvable materials in the toilet will lead to stuck and overflow of the flushing water, please throw other things into the bin, thanks!



While many places in the world nowadays are still using fresh water for toilet flushing, Hong Kong is one of the few places extensively applying seawater for flushing since 1950s. If the flushing water stops it may due to engineering maintenance work, there will be notice in the lift lobby normally or it will resume the flushing seawater supply after the engineering works. Tap water and seawater are in two different pipes.

時至今日,世界上許多地方仍在使用淡水沖廁,而香港是自 1950 年代以來廣泛使用海水沖廁的少數地方之一。若沖廁水停止,可能因工程維修工作,電梯大堂會正常通知,或工程工程結束後恢復沖廁海水供應。自來水和海水在兩個不同的管道中。


請不要將食物殘渣倒入廚房洗手池, 這樣會導致渠道淤塞, 食物殘渣應該放進垃圾桶, 並將垃圾拿出大廈收垃圾的地方

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