Advanced Deposit Return Procedure 预付定金返还程序


1. 只需录制您的公寓/房间的各个角落,并在您最后一天前一周将视频发送给我们。
2. 我们将安排转账给您押金的一部分,大约保留100港币/100人民币。
3. 在最后一天,将钥匙放在房间/公寓里的桌子上拍照。
4. 我们将安排转账给您剩余的押金。


We understand the last day of moving out is very busy, so we have new advanced deposit returning procedures for your check out.

  1. Simply take videos of the flat / your room of every corner and send it to us one week before your last day.
  2. We will arrange to transfer you the deposit but holding roughly HKD 100 / RMB 100
  3. On the last day take a picture of the keys on the desk inside the flat / room
  4. We will arrange to transfer you the rest of the deposit

Please keep all bedrooms door unlocked for the cleaner to clean, and please remove all your personal belongings, our cleaning procedures will remove everything and we will not bare any responsibility of removing personal belongings. thanks!

Deposit Usage Calculations:

If there is usage during the rental period and causing deposit deduction, the deposit will only be returned after the deposit deduction, the deposit deduction will be calculated on the last day, if the deposit is not in HKD but the usage is in HKD, since all the calculations will be on the last day and all the HKD usage during the rental period will be converted into the deposit currency on the day of calculation using the exchange rate on the calculation day. So the exchange rate may be better or worse than any moment of the year. However, handling all HKD at once will make the calculation and handling much easier.


Please allow 24 hours to arrange the calculations and arrange the deposit transfer, please be patient, thanks.

On the checkout date:

1. Latest checkout time is 11:59pm on the check out date
2. Please insert the bedroom keys at the bedrooms doors and keep all the doors unlocked, cleaner will come to clean
3. Please remove all belongings and trashes, cleaner will throw everything away and we will not responsible for any lost, if there are too much trashes for us to handle we will need to collect manpower fees per hour and also the trash handling fees by the building.
4. Conditions of the flat returning us should be the same as the condition that residents were moving in, including no sticker, no dent, no marks on the wall, we may need to collect fees to restore the condition (Normal usage or normal wearing are totally okay).


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