Energy Saving at Home, Turn off AC when they are not in use :)

避免過度消耗电力以及安全使用电器 不使用空调,热水器,烘干机的時候請立刻把它們關掉, 只在使用的時候開啟

Hello Resident, welcome to stay at our place again, in order to save the earth and to avoid the over-charge electricity please read the following


AC, Water Heater, Dryer are heavy appliances and consuming a lot electricity, please kindly turn them off when they are not in use. And turn off the water heater after showering; AC, Water Heater, Dryer cannot be turned on for 24 hours a day non-stop, thanks!

(Most Important) 1. Turn off the AC when they are not in use in the bedroom and the common area.
AC consumes the most electricity in the flat, turning it off could help a lot when they are not in use.

2. Turn off water heater when it is not in use.

Information viewed 104 times

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