支持14天香港家居隔离!14 Days HK Home Quarantine Friendly Accommodation


1. 我们将提供完整的地址供您报告香港政府
2. 为您提供从边境管制到住宿的最快运输路线
3. 我们的工作人员将为您提供钥匙,并教您如何在公寓中使用设备
4. 我们提供所有洗发水,沐浴露,厕纸,毛巾,枕头,被子,让您可以立即生活
5. 我们将帮助您在线订购食物(我们将为此收取食物费用,我们将帮助您订购)
6. 当然,我们的管家会在您的检疫期内提供任何形式的帮助。

Our flats 我们的房子:
(可预定8月)2020-2021 学生服务式住宅 (合城大, 浸大, 理大)

Our residents can be quarantined in the accomodation they reserved,

1. We will provide the full address for you to report to the HK government
2. Provide the quickest transportation route for you from the border control to the accomodations
3. Our staff will be at the accomodation to pass you the keys and teach you how to use the appliances in the flats
4. We provide all the shampoo, shower gel, toilet papers, towels, pillow, quilt for you to ready to live in immediatley
5. We will help to order foods online and deliver to the accomodation (We will need to collect the food cost for this, we will help to order for free)
6. Of couse our flat manager will provide any kind of assistance in your quarantine period.

Information viewed 75 times

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