(SWHL) 上环 恆樂大廈 Sheung Wan Hang Lok Building

本房源的专属管家为:carol0517hk / Martha_manman / hk95534905



入住时,在厕所:沐浴露,洗发水,牙膏,牙刷,毛巾 (真正拿包入住)
入住时,在卧室:枕头,枕头套,床垫,床垫套,毯子 (全新香港IKEA购入, 真正拿包入住)
提供廁所廚房用品 (沐浴露, 洗发水, 洗手液, 卫生纸,  牙膏, 洗衣粉, 垃圾袋)

-提供廁所廚房用品 (沐浴露, 洗发水, 洗手液, 卫生纸,  牙膏, 洗衣粉, 垃圾袋)


Lower Floor (3/F) Hang Lok Building, 128-130 Wing Lok St, Sheung Wan
4 mins walk away from Exit A2 of Sheung Wan MTR station 上环地铁站A2口走4分钟

The apartment is a fully-furnished 3-bedrooms apartment in a building with elevator, building gate, CCTV, and weekdays daytime security guard, ready to move in with towels, shower gel, toothbrushes etc, clean and tidy, Equipped with High-speed internet and Wi-Fi. At the centre part of Hongkong, close to the metro station, can arrive most part of Hong kong in less than an hour.

Room 1 (No Window): 1.2m width Double Bed – 1 person
Room 2: Bunk Bed – 1 or 2 persons
Room 3: Queen Bed – 1 person

1 Bathroom (24 Hours hot water)
1 Kitchen (With Fridge, Microwave Oven, Clothes Dryer and Washer)
1 Living Room

Best for 3 persons

Official Size Saleable Area:
Saleable Area: 550 sq ft

All Videos:

Video of the Flat 公寓详细视频:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/nByA6pSZyyM
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hF411U7Cr/

Video of the building entrance:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/jk9DuavkSEY
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TN411H7vG/

From Sheung Wan MTR Station Exit A2 to the Building Entrance (4 mins):
Video: https://rumble.com/vff7cv-from-sheung-wan-mtr-station-exit-a2-to-swhl.html
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aV411n7zM/

Closest Metro station
Sheung Wan MTR Station Exit A2 (4 mins walk away)
Western Market Tram Station (1 min walk away)


Popular Destinations
1 Station away: Central
2 Stations away: HKU

Places nearby within walking distance:
iClub Sheung Wan Hotel 富薈上環酒店 (1 min)
USelect Tesco Supermarket (1 min)
Sheung Wan Market 上環街市及熟食中心 (1 min)
Sheung Wan Post Office (1 mins)
Western Market (1 mins)
Queen Street Cooked Food Market 皇后街熟食市場 (3 min)
宜必思香港中上環酒店 (3 min)
Lin Heung Kui 蓮香居 (3 min)
Hollywood Road Park (3 mins)
Hong Kong Macau Ferry (5 mins)
Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park and Swimming Pool 中山紀念公園 (9 mins)
PMQ (9 mins)

From the Building to HKU Campus (11 mins): SWHL Building > Sheung Wan MTR > HKU MTR > HKU Campus

Living Room:
With High Speed Internet / Wifi, Dining / Study Table, Dining Chairs, Cabinet for Shoes, Standing Lamp, Dryer, Sofa

Room 1 (No Window):
Room Size: 6.56m2
Bed: 1.2m x 1.8m
with AC, Closet, Chair, Desk, Desk Lamp, Bedroom lock, Electrical Converter, USB Charging Sockets

If you have any question regarding to this flat please contact us at Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or WeChat: hk95534905

Room 2:
Room Size: 7.84m2
Bed: 90cm x 180cm Bunk Bed
with AC, Closet, Chair, Desk, Desk Lamp, Big Windows, Bedroom lock, Electrical Converter, USB Charging Sockets
Window facing: South

If you have any question regarding to this flat please contact us at Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or WeChat: hk95534905

Room 3:
Room Size: 7.83m2
Bed: 1.4m x 1.8m Queen Bed
with AC, Closet, Chair, Desk, Desk Lamp, Big Windows, Bedroom lock, Electrical Converter, USB Charging Sockets
Window facing: South

If you have any question regarding to this flat please contact us at Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or WeChat: hk95534905


High Speed Internet / Wifi enables all residents / multiple device per person to work / study from home the same time

With Washer, Electrical Strove, Water kettle, Microwave Oven

Water Heater (24 Hours), Hair Dryer


How to use the top loading drum washer:
Video: https://rumble.com/vfewxv-how-to-use-the-top-loading-drum-washer-swhl.html
微博视频: http://t.cn/A6cGNNKB?m=4623067617694621&u=1726612942

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