(SYPSF) 西营盘 星辉大厦 服务式公寓 Sai Ying Pun, Sing Fai Building (Serviced Accommodation)

本房源的专属管家为:carol0517hk / Martha_manman / hk95534905



入住时,在厕所:沐浴露,洗发水,牙膏,牙刷,毛巾 (真正拿包入住)
入住时,在卧室:枕头,枕头套,床垫,床垫套,毯子 (全新香港IKEA购入, 真正拿包入住)
提供廁所廚房用品 (沐浴露, 洗发水, 洗手液, 卫生纸,  牙膏, 洗衣粉, 垃圾袋)

-提供廁所廚房用品 (沐浴露, 洗发水, 洗手液, 卫生纸,  牙膏, 洗衣粉, 垃圾袋)

All Videos:

Introduction Video of the Flats:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/iutXjqKiUlc
微博视频: http://t.cn/A6q5g5MK?m=4582046552309080&u=1726612942

Video Of the Flat:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/1RO8WVr3WC8
微博视频: http://t.cn/A6q55Fcg?m=4581838855081796&u=1726612942

Video Of the Building:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/XG9b9JJ3Y34
微博视频: http://t.cn/A6q4LoNB?m=4581008609382883&u=1726612942

From Sai Ying Pun MTR Station Exit A1 to the Building Entrance (1 min):
Youtube: https://youtu.be/15ED_kX7Ghc
微博视频: http://t.cn/A6q4AU9K?m=4581000216844345&u=1726612942

LIVE on 3pm 30 Apr 2022: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4762169613222173


Upper Floor (17/F) Sing Fai Building, 8-12 Wilmer Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

Google Map Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/cV36nQj2Fbzxx4wKA
Baidu Map Pin: https://j.map.baidu.com/90/USY

1 min walk away from Exit A1 of Sai Ying Pun MTR station 西营盘地铁站A1口走1分钟

The apartment is a Fully-Furnished 3-bedrooms apartment, ready to move in with towels, shower gel, toothbrushes etc, clean and tidy, Equipped with High-speed internet and Wi-Fi. At the centre part of Hongkong, close to the metro station, can arrive most part of Hong kong in less than an hour.

Building with building Gate, CCTV, elevator and weekdays daytime security guard

Bedroom 1: Single Bed – 1 person
Bedroom 2: Double Bed (1.35m width) – 1 person
Bedroom 3: Double Bed (1.2m width) – 1 person

1 Bathroom (24 Hours hot water)
1 Kitchen (With Fridge, Microwave Oven, Clothes Dryer and Washer)
1 Living Room

Best for 3 persons

Official Size Saleable Area:
Saleable Area: 424 sq ft

If you have any question regarding to this flat please contact us at Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or WeChat: hk95534905

Closest Metro station
Sai Ying Pun MTR Station Exit A1 (1 min walk away)


Popular Destinations
1 Station away: HKU
2 Stations away: Central

Bedroom 1:
Bedroom Size: 4.4 m2
Single Bed: 90cm x 180cm (Mattress Size)
Desk Size: 100cm x 30cm
with Desk, AC, Closet, Chair, Big Windows, Bedroom Lock, Electrical Converter
Window facing: West
With a bit Victoria Harbour seaview

If you have any question regarding to this flat please contact us at Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or WeChat: hk95534905

Bedroom 2 :
Bedroom Size: 6.6 m2
Double Bed: 135cm x 180cm (Mattress Size)
Desk Size: 100cm x 30cm
with AC, Big Closet, Chair, Desk, Big Windows, Bedroom lock, Electrical Converter
Window facing: West
With a bit Victoria Harbour seaview

If you have any question regarding to this flat please contact us at Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or WeChat: hk95534905

Bedroom 3 :
Bedroom Size: 5.42 m2
Double Bed: 120cm x 180cm (Mattress Size)
Desk Size: 100cm x 30cm
with AC, Closet, Chair, Desk, Windows, Bedroom lock, Electrical Converter
Window facing: East

If you have any question regarding to this flat please contact us at Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or WeChat: hk95534905

Living Room:
With Wifi, Dinning / Study Table, Dinning Chairs, cabinet for shoes, Standing Lamp, Dryer
Window facing: East

With Gas Strove, Water kettle, Microwave Oven

Water Heater (24 Hours), Hair Dryer, Washer

House Manual:
Video: https://youtu.be/-_C_vJ4nfo4
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1e34y1a7A6/


Information viewed 477 times