Welcome to HK :) (Aug 2017 Communications)

First of all, welcome to HK and thank you again for choosing to stay with us! We try to differentiate ourselves with the student hostels in the market by providing premier service quality and a fix price to includes every basic things you need to move in and stay, no management fee every month, no electricity fee with normal usage, not even a penny for the toilet papers and washing powders every month!

HK is rather a safe city, but there are a few things still need to remind:

  1. Whenever in danger, don’t hesitate, just call 999 (HK police)
  2. Don’t trust anyone from the phone call, and don’t transfer any money or operate any money related issue (Like login to the china e-banking) from any phone call instructions, definitely a scam.
  3. In case of any urgent issue related to the apartment, like water pipes broken, please contact the management desk downstairs for a quick solution or just call us +852 95534905


Wish you have a pleasant stay in HK 🙂 there are some up coming events in HK below:

September 22: Beertopia 2017 香港國際手工啤酒節2017

October 26-29: Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 香港美酒佳餚巡禮

November 17-19: Clockenflap 香港音樂及藝術節2017

Have fun 🙂



  1. 每當遇到危險時,不要猶豫,只要撥打999(HK警察)
  2. 不要信電話,不要從任何電話指示轉移任何錢或操作金錢有關的問題(如登錄中國電子銀行),絕對是騙局。
  3. 如果與公寓相關的任何緊急問題,如水管破損,請聯繫樓下管理台,以獲得快速解決方案,或致電+852 95534905


祝你在香港逗留愉快:) 在香港有一些即將到來的活動:

9月22日:Beertopia 2017香港國際手工啤酒節2017


11月17 – 19日:Clockenflap香港音樂及藝術節2017

玩的開心 :)

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