Must read for newly moving in to our flats / coming to Hong Kong

Before Coming to Hong Kong:

Check in preparations, and Rent settlements

Living in the flat:

House Rule (Basic)

  1. Take turn to clean the trash, cleaner can’t come everyday
  2. keep quiet in the common area like in the living room
  3. please inform other flatmates in the group if someone gonna bring a friend (male or female) in the flat
  4. be nice to flatmates, respect and communicate more

Info for just moving in:

Energy Saving at Home, Turn off AC when they are not in use 🙂

雪櫃的正確使用 – 食物不宜塞得過滿

Toilet / Kitchen Sink Usage Notice 廚房洗手池厕所使用注意事项

How to Keep Your Kitchen Clean
1. Wash dishes immediately after using

How to use the top loading drum washer in the flat:

For trash disposal, please ensure you wrap your garbage and take it to the designated bin on each floor, typically located in the rear stairwell. This helps maintain a clean and organized living environment. It’s important to dispose of waste and trash regularly, as the building’s management team empties the bins daily. Please limit your disposal to one bag of trash per day. Please be aware that the building’s bin cannot accommodate large items such as mattresses and furniture. If you need assistance with disposing of a significant amount of trash or bulky items, the building cleaner may charge an additional fee.
垃圾处理:请确保将垃圾包好,然后带到每层楼的指定垃圾桶,通常位于后楼梯间。这有助于保持干净整洁的居住环境。请定期清理垃圾和废物,因为楼宇管理团队每天清空垃圾桶。请每天只丢弃一袋垃圾。请注意,楼宇垃圾桶无法处理大件物品,如床垫和家具。如果您需要处理大量垃圾或大件物品,楼宇清洁工可能会额外收费。 或者可以将大型垃圾弃置于附近的垃圾站。 如果不知道垃圾桶在哪里请立即跟我们联系。

(Home Emergency Tips) Electrical Switch Box, Water Main Switch and Towngas Switch

Please note that:

Conditions of the flat returning us should be the same as the condition that residents were moving in, including no sticker, no dent, no marks on the wall, we may need to collect fees to restore the condition (Normal usage or normal wearing are totally okay).


After staying for few months:

Cleaning AC Dust Filter 清洗窗口式冷氣機隔層網


Safety Precautions in the Apartment 公寓安全防範措施


In order to maintain stable supply of water, electricity and towngas, please open any bill letter and take a picture of all bills and send to us immediately.

1. In case of internet is slow or not working, please restart the two devices (Router and Modem)
2. Unplug and plug in again the internet cables connect between the wall socket and the modem
3. Let us know and we need to check with the internet company to see if there is sudden engineering works nearby.

Bedroom Key:

Suggest to copy one more bedroom key and keep the bedroom key in the work or study place in case of locking the bedroom key inside the bedroom, because there is a charge of HKD 500 for the locksmith to unlock a locked bedroom door urgently. You can just simply take the bedroom key to any locksmith to copy the bedroom key, the copy fees will be roughly HKD 5-50 depends on the type of the key.
建議多複印一把臥室鑰匙,並將臥室鑰匙放在工作或學習的地方,以防臥室鑰匙鎖在臥室內,因為鎖匠緊急開鎖臥室門需要支付500港元的費用。 您只需將臥室鑰匙帶到任何鎖匠那裡複製臥室鑰匙即可,複製費用約為5-50港元,具體取決於鑰匙的類型。

认识一下关于香港房屋的法律: 普通住宅不可以出租少于28日 可處罰款$200,000及監禁2年
大家在香港小心 安心出行 電話騙案! 提防假冒卫生署职员来电
(警惕電話騙案)(每年至少一位我們的客人受騙) 順豐香港呼籲市民慎防欺詐來電

Checkout on the last day:

For the deposit returning, we can return deposit earlier than checkout or after the checkout, ADVANCED DEPOSIT RETURN PROCEDURE 预付定金返还程序:

1. Latest checkout time is 11:59pm on the check out date
2. Please insert the bedroom keys at the bedrooms doors and keep all the doors unlocked, cleaner will come to clean
3. Please remove all belongings and trashes, cleaner will throw everything away and we will not responsible for any lost, if there are too much trashes for us to handle we will need to collect manpower fees per hour and also the trash handling fees by the building.
4. Conditions of the flat returning us should be the same as the condition that residents were moving in, including no sticker, no dent, no marks on the wall, we may need to collect fees to restore the condition (Normal usage or normal wearing are totally okay).
5. To prevent the accumulation of items like shoe boxes or packing boxes, it’s advisable to begin disposing of waste daily during the final month of your stay. This approach will help you avoid the inconvenience of discarding a significant amount of trash all at once. Additionally, it will ensure that the building’s custodian can manage the waste efficiently, reducing the risk of receiving complaints.

5. 居住的时候避免堆积垃圾。为了防止堆积像鞋盒或包装盒之类的垃圾,建议在您逗留的最后一个月开始每天处理垃圾,每天丢弃一些少量垃圾。这种做法将有助于避免一次性丢弃大量垃圾的不便。此外,这将确保楼房的清洁工能够有效处理垃圾,减少收到投诉的风险。


香港防風措施 Hong Kong Typhoon Precautions

(Home Emergency Tips) Electrical Switch Box, Water Main Switch and Towngas Switch

Electricity Break Down:

In case of sudden electricity break down in the flat, there may be short circuit or certain appliance (Appliance from China) having electricity problem to cause the electrical box to break the electricity supply to protect the flat:

1. Please stay clam, and try to think of what appliance to turn on or plug in just before the electricity break down.
2. Locate the Electrical Box (Some are in the kitchen Cabinet), locate which part are off (Main or certain part of the flat maybe off like the living room/K)
3. Unplug all the potential appliances may cause the electiricy break down
4. Push up and turn on the Main button in the electrical box to restore the electricity.
5. The appliance causing the problem is dangerous, need to throw it away and replace it.


1. 請保持冷靜,並想想在斷電之前好打開或插入什麼電器。
2. 找到電箱(有些在廚櫃裡),找到哪一部分是關閉的(公寓的MAIN或某些部分可能像客廳/Kitchen可能關閉)
3. 拔掉所有可能導致斷電的電器
4. 向上推並打開電箱內的Main按鈕,恢復供電。
5. 導致問題的器具很危險,需要扔掉並更換。

For Example (Real Case on 18 June 2022):

Emergency Contacts:

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