Living in Hong Kong Attitude Preferences December 25, 2022 Morris Property Welcome to Living in Hong Kong Attitude Preferences There is no right or wrong answers for the questions, just pick the one you think which is more suitable for your life style. You have 5 minutes to complete the questions. What is your name: Gender: Female Male University and Program you are going to study in Hong Kong Personal budget for living (Including Electricity / Gas / Water / Internet / Cleaning / Household stuff like toilet papers etc) How long will you study or plan to stay in Hong Kong? 1 Year 2 Years to 7 Years Plan to stay 7 years for the PR Not sure 1. When you see hairs in the shower box blocking the water out A. Remove it yourself B. Discuss with other flatmates how to deal with it C. Not my hairs so leave it D. Ask the management to arrange a cleaner to remove it 2. A pizza delivery is at the door but the flatmate who ordered the pizza is not there to pick it A. Text the flatmates that a pizza is at the door B. Take it in the flat and put it on the dinning table C. Take it inside and text the flatmates D. I didn’t order pizza so i just leave it there 3. There is strange noise upstairs for few days A. Go upstairs to ask the neighbour why there is noise B. Tell the security guard downstairs to see where is the noise from C. Tell the management that there is noise D. Monitoring the situation for few more days 4. Flatmate ate the foods i put in the fridge A. Ask around who ate it B. Eat someone else’s foods C. Discuss with flatmates to see how to deal with the issues D. There is still foods so let it be 5. AC is not working A. Tell the management B. Try to restart the AC C. Try to see what is the source of not working D. Google why 6. Internet is too slow and sometimes on and off A. Try to restart the router and the modem B. Try to unplug and plug in all cables again C. Tell the management D. Just leave it there 7. When your flatmate was not there in the bedroom but the AC of his/her bedroom was on A. Turn it off B. Leave it on because you don't want to get into the bedroom C. Leave it D. Text your flatmate that you are going to turn it off 8. When you have arguments with your flatmates A. Discuss the issue with the flatmates directly and solve it B. Tell the management there is an issue C. Tell the management and solve it with the flatmates D. Ignore the flatmate and live normally Time's up Information viewed 96 times