(Direct Landlord 业主直租) NOIR – Smart . Minimal . Studios

Price and Availability please contact landlord


(Phone or whatsapp) English: +85294082444
(Phone or whatsapp) 中文: +85298816921

Detailed Address:

Middle Floor, Wai Kee House, 89-91 Sai Yee St, Mongkok, Kowloon, 3 mins walk from Prince Edward MTR station / Mongkok East MTR station

中层, 洗衣街89-91號偉基樓, 3分钟到太子/旺角东地铁站

Live smarter, not harder. NOIR smart home technology simplifies your life and amplifies your living, from smart TVs and thermostats to RFID-enabled locks and Bluetooth compatible lighting and sound.

生活得更聪明,而不是更难。 NOIR智能家居技术简化您的生活,扩大您的生活,从智能电视和恒温器到RFID锁和蓝牙兼容的照明和声音,其中包含工作室品质的照片和4K视频,可以将所有智能应用程序集中在一个地方。

Please visit NOIR website for more info 请访问NOIR网站了解更多信息:http://hknoir.com/

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