Tsim Sha Tsui Fook Kiu Mansion Private Studio with private washroom HKD 4980 per month

Contact for this accommodation now at Whatsapp at +852 94801314 / +852 9553 4905 or WeChat at carol0517hk / hk95534905 
微信客服 carol0517hk / hk95534905 

尖沙咀 福橋大廈 精裝特大私人套房自帶衛生間

单床房独卫全包 One Bed Room with private washroom: HKD 4980 per month all inclusive
雙床房独卫全包 Two Beds Room with private washroom: HKD 5480 per month all inclusive
单床房公共卫生间全包 Two Beds Room without private washroom: HKD 3800 per month all inclusive

可供預約, 例如預訂一個月之後入住

(請注意沒有洗衣機及不可以煮食,洗衣的話可以拿衣服到附近的磅洗店,價錢大概是一個人一星期衣服的數量大概港幣$70, 他們洗乾淨之後會摺疊好之後可以到洗衣店自行取回)

-交通方便 尖沙咀地鐵站A2出口只需要3分钟路程
-水電網全包 只需要付每月租金
-附近有很多著名购物商场(如 K11, iSquare, the One, 海港城)

Contact for this accommodation now at Whatsapp at +852 94801314 / +852 9553 4905 or WeChat at carol0517hk / hk95534905 
微信客服 carol0517hk / hk95534905 

-3 mins walk from the Tsim Sha Tsui MTR exit A2
-6 stations away from the Kowloon tong CityU and BU (same subway line)
-15 mins walk away from the PolyU campus
-2 stations away from Central
-Cleaning in the public areas and toilets everyday
-Includes all bills like electricity, water and internet
-Famous shopping malls are all nearby (K11, iSquare, the One, Harbour City)
-Kowloon Park is just opposite to the building

Contact for this accommodation now at Whatsapp at +852 94801314 / +852 9553 4905 or WeChat at carol0517hk / hk95534905 
微信客服 carol0517hk / hk95534905 

Video: https://youtu.be/yWsPyMGbOOk
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12P4y157E6/

单床房独卫 One Bed Room with private washroom: 

雙床房独卫 Two Beds Room with private washroom (Bed 3.5 feet wide, 105 cm wide):

单床房公共卫生间 Two Beds Room without private washroom: HKD 3800 per month all inclusive:

Video / 视频 : https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1H34y1y7de/

Payment Process:
1. One month rent as deposit, deposit can be used as the last month rent, can be settle in RMB using alipay / google exchange rate, will issue receipt after payment
payment at: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/payment/
2. First day of stay, paying the first month rent and HKD 1000 key deposit, the key deposit will be returned on the last day

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Morris Property

微信: hk95534905 , Email: [email protected]