自行联系 Щеснат 微信 ID: FF-FF_ or mobile 84800618
位于坚尼地城,拥有壮观的海景和免费直通中环巴士的便利。我们出租一间单人房,租期为3.1-9.4日,价格为11000元(价格可商议)。该房间是一个小套房中的一间,家具齐全,距离地铁站3步行分钟,前两个月您将住在这个单人房内,后4个月可以住进大套房连独立洗手间,如果您不愿意交换房间也可以一直住在这个单人房内。我们正在寻找一位女生室友,如果您对此感兴趣,请联系我们的微信ID: FF-FF_ 谢谢!
– Fully Furnished
– 3 mins walk away from MTR station Kennedy Town
自行联系 Щеснат 微信 ID: FF-FF_ or mobile 84800618
Helping to repost, please contact directly: Looking for a female flatmate in Kennedy Town – Manhattan Heights, a high-rise apartment with sea view. Renting out a single room from March 1st to September 4th, Contact WeChat ID: FF-FF_ or mobile 84800618 for more information.
Manhattan Heights is located in Kennedy Town and boasts a spectacular sea view, as well as the convenience of a free shuttle bus to Central, and 3 mins walk away from Kennedy Town MTR station. We are renting out a single room, fully furnished, from March 1st to September 4th, with a negotiable price of HKD 11000. You will stay for the first two months and can move to a larger en-suite (with private washroom) for the remaining four months, or stay in the single room throughout the entire lease period. We are looking for a female roommate, please contact us on WeChat ID: FF-FF_ or mobile 84800618 if you are interested. Thank you!
Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/pkQdmHQC32E?feature=share
视频: https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4871742091624461