(帮转,自行联系)(合香港科技大学) 天晉 新鴻基著名屋苑 正正地鐵站和popcorn上蓋 房東直租 (絕不收取中介費) 实用548呎 2室2厅1卫1厨2阳台 租HKD25500

帮转,自行联系微信: ie_ctb2002 手機號 Mobile 94883853

(Direct Landlord) TKO, the Wings, 548sqft, 2 rooms, 2 balconies, 1 washroom, 1 big kitchen

new Panasonic air conditioning system have been just installed, other home appliances like fridge, oven,.smoke ventilation, washing machine are fully equipped.

The deluxe flat is just sitting above the metro station , absolute convenient location connecting with 3 shopping malls, 2 hotels, cinema and seafront cafes, bars, restaurants, donki donki.

12 mins to kwun tong and 20 mins to causeway bay, 30 mins to the Central by metro.

5 mins walk to Lycee French international school, and very close to HKUST by shuttle bus or public bus.

all.appliances like.fridge,.oven, air.con, ventilation, washing machines are equipped, no sofa and tv cabinet (in the picture, can include if the tenants need them)


我最近想放租整套將軍澳的房子(the Wings), 548sqft, 2 rooms, 2 balconies, 1 washroom, 1 big kitchen, brand new panasonic 空調, 將軍澳地鐵上蓋, 22分鐘到銅鑼灣, 12分鐘到觀塘, 25分鐘到hkust, 小區有大型會所,樓下是popcorn大型商場, 有戲院,酒店餐廳, 超市,近海邊cafe,酒吧,donki donki, 照片如下:-

帮转,自行联系微信: ie_ctb2002 手機號94883853

帮转,自行联系微信: ie_ctb2002 手機號94883853

2022-2023 学生服务式住宅 (合港大, 城大, 浸大, 理大)(也适合留香港工作毕业生)  房子资料: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/4805/  微信: carol0517hk / hk95534905 / cww20c / ryan8389 租房群: http://gang-piao.com/web/archives/76/ 

Tsim Sha Tsui Fook Kiu Mansion Private Studio with private washroom HKD 4980 per month

Contact for this accommodation now at Whatsapp at +852 94801314 / +852 9553 4905 or WeChat at carol0517hk / hk95534905 
微信客服 carol0517hk / hk95534905 

尖沙咀 福橋大廈 精裝特大私人套房自帶衛生間

单床房独卫全包 One Bed Room with private washroom: HKD 4980 per month all inclusive
雙床房独卫全包 Two Beds Room with private washroom: HKD 5480 per month all inclusive
单床房公共卫生间全包 Two Beds Room without private washroom: HKD 3800 per month all inclusive

可供預約, 例如預訂一個月之後入住

(請注意沒有洗衣機及不可以煮食,洗衣的話可以拿衣服到附近的磅洗店,價錢大概是一個人一星期衣服的數量大概港幣$70, 他們洗乾淨之後會摺疊好之後可以到洗衣店自行取回)

-交通方便 尖沙咀地鐵站A2出口只需要3分钟路程
-水電網全包 只需要付每月租金
-附近有很多著名购物商场(如 K11, iSquare, the One, 海港城)

Contact for this accommodation now at Whatsapp at +852 94801314 / +852 9553 4905 or WeChat at carol0517hk / hk95534905 
微信客服 carol0517hk / hk95534905 

-3 mins walk from the Tsim Sha Tsui MTR exit A2
-6 stations away from the Kowloon tong CityU and BU (same subway line)
-15 mins walk away from the PolyU campus
-2 stations away from Central
-Cleaning in the public areas and toilets everyday
-Includes all bills like electricity, water and internet
-Famous shopping malls are all nearby (K11, iSquare, the One, Harbour City)
-Kowloon Park is just opposite to the building

Contact for this accommodation now at Whatsapp at +852 94801314 / +852 9553 4905 or WeChat at carol0517hk / hk95534905 
微信客服 carol0517hk / hk95534905 

Video: https://youtu.be/yWsPyMGbOOk
视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12P4y157E6/

单床房独卫 One Bed Room with private washroom: 

雙床房独卫 Two Beds Room with private washroom (Bed 3.5 feet wide, 105 cm wide):

单床房公共卫生间 Two Beds Room without private washroom: HKD 3800 per month all inclusive:

Video / 视频 : https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1H34y1y7de/

Payment Process:
1. One month rent as deposit, deposit can be used as the last month rent, can be settle in RMB using alipay / google exchange rate, will issue receipt after payment
payment at: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/payment/
2. First day of stay, paying the first month rent and HKD 1000 key deposit, the key deposit will be returned on the last day

(Short Term from now to August) 3 Bedrooms Entire flat – SAI YING PUN, SING FAI BUILDING (MONTHLY SERVICED APARTMENT) (SYPSF)

(Short Term from now to August) 3 Bedrooms Entire flat – SAI YING PUN, SING FAI BUILDING (MONTHLY SERVICED APARTMENT) (SYPSF)

1 mins walk to Sai Ying Pun MTR station
Available from Now to August, HKD 16800 per month all bills inclusive

Info, Pictures and Videos: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/3984/
Contact WhatsApp: +852 95534905 94801314 or +33 662430625

(Rent including wifi, electricity – HKD1000 per month, cleaning fee, drinks and toilet, kitchen supplies)

Address: Upper Floor (17/F) Sing Fai Building, 8-12 Wilmer Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

Join our whatsapp broadcast list now to get the first hand info! (Hong Kong Flats)

(帮转,自行联系) Room 2 of 旺角东 九龍 – 泰丰大厦 (服务式住宅)

请联系微信: DKAyaya


Flat info: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/557/tf/

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 2: Bunk Bed 90cm x 182cm for 2 persons max, Bedroom Size 6.38 meter square
windows with open view, desk, chair, closet, hangers, AC

请联系微信: DKAyaya


2022-2023 学生服务式住宅 (合港大, 城大, 浸大, 理大)(也适合留香港工作毕业生)  房子资料: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/4805/  微信: carol0517hk / hk95534905 / cww20c / ryan8389 / shainalo  [租房][香港租房]2022租房群组团啦 二 维 码: http://gang-piao.com/web/archives/76/ 


(REDUCED!)(Min One month lease)(Looking for Female Flatmate!)

Min Stay One Month, Flexible Term
Info / Videos / Pictures: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/2818/

Bedroom 4: HKD 6480 all bills inclusive

Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or 94801314

-3 mins walk away from Wan Chai MTR station🚇
-Tram station is just downstairs 🚋
-High speed internet able to work / study from home 💻
-All bills inclusive ⚡
-Regular cleaning 🧹

Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or 94801314

Join our whatsapp broadcast list now to get the first hand info! (Hong Kong Flats)

(Min one month lease)(Looking for Flatmates, Male) KENNEDY TOWN NEW FORTUNE HOUSE (MTR,Tram,Promenade)(MONTHLY SERVICED APARTMENT)(KTNF)

(Min one month lease)(Looking for Flatmates, Male) KENNEDY TOWN NEW FORTUNE HOUSE (MTR,Tram,Promenade)(MONTHLY SERVICED APARTMENT)(KTNF)

Bedroom 3: Available Now HKD 7980 all bill inclusive
Bedroom Size: 8.91m2 Big Double Bed: 135cm width, Long work desk and Big Closet

Pics and Info: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/4815/
Video: https://youtu.be/UDxrp_dL8y0
Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or 94801314

Bedroom 1: Rented (HKU Fresh Graduate, Male)
Bedroom 2: Rented (HKU Law Student from the UK, Male)

-2 mins walk to the Exit B of Kennedy Town
-HKU within walking distance
-Near promenade
-Electricity, Water, Internet all bills inclusive
-Regular Cleaning
-Friendly Flatmates (All HKU)

Whatsapp: +852 95534905 or 94801314

Join our whatsapp broadcast list now to get the first hand info! (Hong Kong Flats) >>>> https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ia6s7RvpZ7T3kj9ve3sR19

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