(现在可租,单间,女)(CF) 太子,九龍 – 长丰大厦 (服务式月租住宅)

(现在可租,单间,女)(CF) 太子,九龍 – 长丰大厦 (服务式月租住宅)

微信客服: ryan8389 / hk95534905

资料/图片/视频: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/210/cf/

2号房单间HKD 5980 全包
-Work / Study from Home

微信客服: ryan8389 / hk95534905

微信客服: ryan8389 / hk95534905

(Looking for Male Flatmates!) Sheung Wan, Bonham Strand West, Wing Yu Building (MONTHLY SERVICED APARTMENT)

(Looking for Male Flatmates!) Sheung Wan, Bonham Strand West, Wing Yu Building (MONTHLY SERVICED APARTMENT)

Info, Pictures and Videos: https://morris-hk.com/monthly/archives/3549/

Bedroom 3: Available Now, HKD 5900 per calendar per month all inclusive

-Open view big window
-Work / Study from Home
-All bills included
-Regular cleaning
-Nice flatmates (HKU students)

If you have any question regarding to this flat please contact us or visit at Whatsapp: +852 95534905

#hognkongflats #hongkongshareflats 

Join our whatsapp broadcast list now to get the first hand info! (Hong Kong Flats)

(帮转, 自行联系) 超新西营盘小区【超低价短租】

【327尺一房一厅整套独享】【拎包入住】無中介費 适合小情侣或者一个人住




卧室:1.4米Queen Size大床,价值1.5万的超级舒适符合人体力学的Sealy床垫,移动衣架,飘窗+大窗户,洗手间在卧室内,顶天衣柜,房间面积约7-8平米,很大,有空调。





距离西营盘地铁站走路3分钟,10分钟达到中环,15分钟 到达尖沙咀。

附近生活设施非常齐全,楼下就有Fusion、惠康、百佳、日本城、实惠、万宁、屈臣氏、药店、万丰家居,711、OK店、干洗店恨不得30米一个。周围中西食肆酒吧林立,有老字号也有米其林餐厅,还有Arabica等好多网红餐厅咖啡厅酒吧,被称为“小兰桂坊”,不管是外卖还是Fine Dining都有无数选择。

走去海边只要100米,海傍沿线既有看日落的绝佳地点Insta Pier。

离港大仅2站地,走路15分钟。有多条路线可以步行至太平山顶,也可沿海边长廊一路慢跑到湾仔。楼下有小花园,走路五分钟还有Belcher’s Park。篮球场、社区图书馆、运动馆、标准泳池、24小时健身房、连锁健身房舒适堡都在。


(Share Flat) 🏢Coordinates: Jordan/Austin Man Cheong Building

🏢Coordinates :Jordan/Austin Man Cheong Building


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🚄5min walk from high-speed rail station
✈️3min walk from airport bus line
🚃Walk 3-5min on bus and subway

🎇🌇 10min walk from Tsim Sha Tsui business district

🍱🍔🥘 downstairs tea restaurant dim sum room noodle shop barbecue Sichuan hot pot many delicacies
🍒🥦 downstairs U shopping Pokka 7Eleven Mannings, etc. to save time when shopping after get off work

🔐Student apartments only live for students and work for a few years after graduation
🚺Only girls are safe, clean and convenient
🔑 Sign a contract with the registered company of Party A
🎈Package maintenance management, water grid house furniture (tables, chairs, bed wardrobes)
✍🏻The lease term is half a year from the beginning of February to the beginning of August, and the contract can be renewed

💪 Once a week there is an aunt to clean
💪Share refrigerator, microwave oven, induction cooker
💪There is a washer and a dryer to avoid the trouble of drying
💪 There are three bathrooms and two toilets to avoid waiting

4000HKD Per Month, Two months deposit,
Start date: The end of Jan or Begin of Feb


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(帮转, 自行联系) 【香港大学双人间转租 拎包入住 新装修】月租 5900HKD/人

微信联系: leo_caoo0819

【香港大学双人间转租 拎包入住 新装修】香港山道海光大厦学生公寓!步行至学校仅需5分钟!室内装修很新,配套厨房用具,煤气炉,冰箱,微波炉,电热水壶及其他必须品。租金已包括WiFi,定期清洁,专业的物业管理,闭路电线及24小时的保安系统等费用。房间一共两个床,两个书桌,两个衣柜,空间设计合理。适合在港大读书的学生,以及适合在中环工作的人士。