(Rented) Olympic / Tai Kok Tsui Park Summit, 1 Bedroom, Balcony and Clubhouse, with appliances and some furnitures, fully furnished, 335 sq feet, Rent 14500 per month, 7 mins to MTR station
(Rented) Olympic / Tai Kok Tsui Park Summit, 1 Bedroom, Balcony and Clubhouse, with appliances and some furnitures, fully furnished, 335 sq feet, Rent 14500 per month, 7 mins to MTR station
Olympic / Tai Kok Tsui Park Summit Studio, Nicely Renovated, Balcony and Clubhouse, Fully Furnished, 331 sq feet, One bedroom, Rent 16000 per month, 7 mins to MTR station (eng)
(Available to lease from 5 April) Olympic Mongkok West, Lime Stardom, upper floor, Saleable Area: 387 sq feet 1 bedroom, Rent: 18000, great club house
形品星寓资料 Lime Stardom Information: https://morris-hk.com/blogging/archives/717/
Mongkok West, Cheung Hing Mansion, Lower Floor, Saleable Area: 269 sq ft, 1 Bedroom, Rent: 10000, 5 mins Walk away from Mongkok West / Langham Place
优酷视频: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYyNjc0MDQxMg==.html
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLMTZkA_KAo[/embedyt]