(已租) 奥运 金旺阁 电梯护卫洋楼 高层 实用399尺 2房1厅1卫1厨 有些家电 月租13800 3分钟到奥运地铁站, 5 mins to ICC, 10 mins MTR to IFC / Central

优酷视频: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYzMDAxMzY1Ng==.html

Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/_NLgGeOrYOc

(Rented) Olympic King Wang Heights, Higher Floor, Saleable area: 399 sq ft, 2 Bedrooms, Partially furnished with some appliances and furnitures, Rent: 13800 per month, 3 mins walk away from Olympic MTR stations, 5 mins to ICC, 10 mins MTR to IFC /  Central

(已租) 旺角西 恒通大廈 电梯护卫洋楼 高层 实用375尺 厅大房大 2房1厅1卫1厨 有些家电 月租 12800 4分钟到旺角地铁站 10分钟到旺角东地铁站

(Rented) Mongkok West, Hung Tung Building, Higher Floor, Saleable Area: 375 sq ft, Big Living Room and Bedrooms, 2 Bedrooms, With some furnitures, Rent: 12800 per month, 4 mins walk away from Mongkok MTR station and 10 mins walk away from Mongkok East MTR station (eng)

Room: https://theta360.com/s/h5tHPYg6auRm562bYDeVOlT9w
3D Bedrooms: https://theta360.com/s/jxbwXrwPiRNf5oiq2IIM7nyRY