3D Bedrooms: https://theta360.com/s/n0Z7cNZ0GFjtiVxEkMaBaTy8i
3D Living Room: https://theta360.com/s/kGcSEYFqqhISBsOBVmfaGwFim
(Rented) Mongkok Olympic Metroregalia Middle Floor, with Club House, Saleable Area: 346 sq ft, 1 Bedroom and 1 reading room / guest room pullable bed, with Balcony, 6 mins walk away from Mongkok MTR station, 10 mins walk away from Olympic MTR station, Rent: 17600
大同新村资料 Cosmopolitan Estates Information: https://morris-hk.com/blogging/archives/261/
(Rented) Olympic Peony House, Lower floor, saleable Area: 326 sq ft, newly rennovated, 2 Bedrooms (1 Bedroom is smaller), Bedroom’s window facing east, Rent: 12500 per month, 3 mins walk away from HSBC Centre / Olympic MTR station (eng)
Yau Ma Tei, Seng Fai Building, Lower Floor, Saleable Area: 306 sq feet, 3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished, Sale: 5.68M, Rent: 16500 Fixed (Prefer Male tenants), 5 mins walk away from MTR station, management fee: HKD 810, 1 Apartment per floor, 19 years old flat (eng)
优酷 Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYxMDUyMDM0OA==.html