(Rented) 奥运 利奧坊‧曉岸 2座 中层 实用417呎 2房1厅1卫1厨(1房大1房小, 小房2边趟门) 月租21000 5分钟到奥运地铁站
(Rented) Olympic Eltanin.Square Mile, Tower 2, Middle Floor, Saleable Area: 417 sq ft, 2 Bedrooms (Smaller bedrooms with 2 sides sliding doors), Rent: 21000, 5 mins walk away from Olympic Station
Eltanin Square Mile Information 利奧坊曉岸资料: https://morris-hk.com/blogging/archives/997/
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYi2_L9xrmY[/embedyt]
太子 旺角西 大角嘴 Bedford 28 中层 实用572尺 3房1厅1卫1厨 售1000万 8分钟到太子旺角奥运站
2008 年楼
管理费: 26xx
Can arrange visit before 5:00pm in weekdays
(Rented) 奥运 旺角西 型品星寓 Lime Stardom 极高层 实用387尺 1房1厅1卫1厨 租20500 5分钟到旺角地铁站 多功能会所 2个游泳池 1个可以 Pool Side Party
(Rented) Olympic Mongkok West, Lime Stardom, upper floor, Saleable Area: 387 sq feet 1 bedroom, Rent: 20500, great club house
形品星寓资料 Lime Stardom Information: https://morris-hk.com/blogging/archives/717/
坚尼地城 恆裕大廈 低层连平台 实用195呎 开放式 售420万(was440万) 3分钟到坚尼地城地铁站
Kennedy Town, 45 CADOGAN STREET, Lower floor with terence, Saleable Area: 195 sq ft, Studio, Sale: 4.2M (Was 4.4M), 5 mins walk away from Kenny Town MTR station