(Rented) 奥运 奥柏.御峯 会所新楼 高层 实用283尺 开放式1卫1厨1 2阳台 有电器 原裝 月租16000 (Fixed) 售580万 7分钟到奥运站

(Rented) Olympic / Tai Kok Tsui Park Summit Studio, Balcony and Clubhouse, 283 sq feet, Rent 16000 per month (Fixed), Sale: 5.8M, 7 mins to MTR station (eng) 奧柏·御峯 物业介绍 Park Summit Introductions: https://morris-hk.com/blogging/archives/454/ [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ubRNyczkNE[/embedyt]  

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(Rented) 奥运 金旺阁 电梯护卫洋楼 低层 实用309尺+平台254呎 2房1厅1卫1厨1平台 月租15000 售500万 3分钟到奥运地铁站, 5 mins to ICC, 10 mins MTR to IFC / Central

(Rented) Olympic King Wang Heights, Lower Floor, Saleable area: 309 sq ft + terrace 254 sq ft, 2 Bedrooms, 3 mins walk away from Olympic MTR stations, 5 mins to ICC, 10 mins MTR to IFC /  Central Rent 15000, Sale: 5M (eng) 两个房间只可以放单人床 Management Fee: HKD 600 per month [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-dux_bapGQ[/embedyt]

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