(连约售) 旺角西 福全街4號 榮裕閣 高层 实用408尺 3房1厅1卫1厨 售650万 5分钟到旺角地铁站
旺角西 福全街4號 榮裕閣 高层 实用408尺 3房 https://morris-hk.com/archives/61946/Watch this video on YouTube
旺角西 福全街4號 榮裕閣 高层 实用408尺 3房 https://morris-hk.com/archives/61946/Watch this video on YouTube
Yau Ma Tei, Seng Fai Building, Lower Floor, Saleable Area: 306 sq feet, 3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished, Sale: 5.68M, Rent: 16500 Fixed (Prefer Male tenants), 5 mins walk away from MTR station, management fee: HKD 810, 1 Apartment per floor, 19 years old flat (eng) 优酷 Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYxMDUyMDM0OA==.html
Prince Edward, June Garden, Residential Complex, Saleable Area: 376 sq foot, 2 Bedrooms, Sale: 5.68M, 7 mins walk away from Prince Edward MTR Station June Garden Information and Residents Reviews 頌賢花園资料及住客评价: https://morris-hk.com/blogging/archives/241/
大同新村资料 Cosmopolitan Estates Information: https://morris-hk.com/blogging/archives/261/ 套房资料: (已租) 大角嘴 奥运 大同新村屋苑 电梯护卫洋楼 低层 实用150尺+平台150尺 1房1厅1卫1厨 租6900 可以养动物 5分钟到奥运地铁站 大角嘴 奥运 大同新村屋苑 电梯护卫洋楼 低层 实用150尺+平台150尺 开放式1卫1厨1平台 租6800 可以养动物 5分钟到奥运地铁站
(Office) Tai Kok Tsui, Khora, Upper floor with the Sea View, Area: 291, Rent 8000, Sale: 2.9M 宏創方 KHORA Information 微博视频:http://t.cn/EqNb91h?m=4328410572024297&u=1726612942 (Office) 大角嘴 宏創方 KHORA, 高层 海景, 建291呎Watch this video on YouTube