旺角西 长旺雅苑 有会所 中层 精装 有家电 即租即住 实用417尺+38 sq ft Balcony, 2房1厅1卫1厨 月租 HKD 15500 售550万 5分钟到旺角地铁站

Mongkok West, Flourish Mansion, Middle Floor, Nicely Renovated, Net Saleable Area: 417 sq ft + 38 sq ft Balcony, 2 Bedrooms, fully furnished, with a small club house, Rent: HKD 15500 per month, sale: 5.50M, 5 mins walk away from Mongkok MTR station (eng) Flourish Mansion Information 長旺雅苑资料: http://morris-property.com/blogging/archives/222/  

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(已租) 旺角西 万成大廈 电梯护卫洋楼 中层 实用255尺 2房1厅1卫1厨 煤气洗浴煮吃 有所有家电有免费宽带 Wifi, 2分钟到地铁站 Price $10500 

(Rented) Mongkok West Man Shing Building, with elevator higher floor, saleable area: 255 sq feet, fully furnished, with internet and wifi, 2 Bedrooms, 2 mins walk away from Mongkok MTR station exit A2 Price 10500 (eng) 3D: https://theta360.com/s/j4gqiRB7nWcjLNGkCcTaLEIM8 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4RxGRCvMxU    

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